Fire Sprinklers Save Lives, Give Firefighters Time

"'In two minutes, there's not a lot of space to get out,' said Melissa Close, fire prevention and public education officer."
"In the last few years, sprinklers saved residents in a senior living center where a fire was put out before it spread from one room, and limited damage to property during a fire at Northwest Nazarene University's Johnson Sports Center."
"The Fire Department sets up the burn demonstration about six times a year, Close said."
"'The movie industry has given sprinklers a bad rap,' said Fire Department spokesman Doug Strosnider. It is a myth, he said, that the whole place floods. Sprinkler heads disperse about 15 gallons of water per minute, compared to 150 gallons per minute that shoots out of a fire hose, he said. "
"'Sprinklers are designed to hold fires in check until firefighters arrive,' he said. 'They keep the smoke and the heat down.' Fires burn hotter and faster now than they did 20 years ago, he said, because of all the synthetic materials in carpets and furniture."
"Members of Leadership Nampa attended the demonstration. 'I definitely saw the difference with fire sprinklers in the home,' said Erica Hernandez. 'I don't think you realize what a fire can do until you see it.'"
If you're thinking about installing sprinklers in your home or office, you can find fire sprinkler system installers at Post your request and be matched with local sprinkler contractors at no cost to you. Choose the company that's right for you and start protecting your valuables, your property, and your family or employees.