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Labels: fire sprinkler inspections, Fire Sprinkler Installation, Fire Sprinkler Options, Residential Fire Sprinklers
Test Your Fire Sprinkler Knowledge!
Test Your Home Sprinkler System's I.Q.
Here are five statements about home sprinkler systems. Are they true or false?
1. When one sprinkler goes off, all the sprinklers activate.
False! Only the sprinkler over the fire will activate. The sprinkler heads react to temperatures in each room individually. Thus, fire in a bedroom will activate only the sprinkler in that room.
2. A sprinkler could accidentally go off, causing severe water damage to a home.
False! Records, which have been compiled for well over 50 years, prove the likelihood of this occurring is very remote. Furthermore, home sprinklers will be specifically designed and will be rigorously tested to minimize such accidents.
3. Water damage from a sprinkler system will be more extensive than fire damage.
False! The sprinkler system will severely limit a fire's growth. Therefore, damage from a home sprinkler system will be much less severe than the smoke and fire damage if the fire had gone on unabated or even the water damage caused by water from firefighting hose lines.
4. Home sprinkler systems are expensive.
False! Current estimates suggest that when a home is under construction, a home sprinkler system could cost less than 1% of the total building price.
5. Residential sprinkles are ugly.
False! The traditional, commercial-type sprinklers as well as sprinklers for home use are now being designed to fit in with most any decor.
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Labels: Fire Safety News, Fire Safety Resources, Fire Sprinkler Options
A Cost Benefit Study on Fire Sprinkler Systems

Photo of sprinkler head. (Credit: NIST)
"NIST's Benefit-Cost Analysis of Residential Fire Sprinkler Systems report, released last month, examines data from 2002 to 2005 to value the economic performance of a residential 'wet-pipe' fire sprinkler system. The additional economic benefits from installation of a multipurpose network sprinkler system (the least costly wet-pipe system available) are estimated for three types of newly constructed single-family houses that are also equipped with smoke detectors. The study builds on a prior cost analysis developed by NIST's Building and Fire Research Laboratory and offers a current analysis of the economics of residential fire sprinkler technology."
"According to NIST, the cost in 2005 dollars for adding a multipurpose network sprinkler system to a house under construction was approximately $2,075 for a 3,338-square-foot colonial-style house, $1,895 for a 2,257-square-foot townhouse and $829 for a 1,171-square-foot ranch house. However when a house fire occurs, the estimated benefits of a residential fire sprinkler system include a 100 percent reduction in civilian fatalities and a 57 percent reduction in civilian injuries, a 32 percent reduction of both direct property damage (property losses that would not be covered by insurance) and indirect property costs (fire-related expenses such as temporary shelter, missed work, extra food costs, legal expenses, transportation, emotional counseling and childcare). Houses with sprinklers, in addition to smoke alarms, also received an 8 percent reduction in homeowner insurance premiums, over houses only equipped with smoke alarms."
"After subtracting installation costs and weighting the benefits by the odds that a house would catch on fire, NIST economists concluded that, depending on assumptions, the net gain from installing a sprinkler system (in 2005 dollars) would vary between $704 and $4,801 for the colonial-style house, between $884 and $4,981 for the townhouse, and between $1,950 and $6,048 for the ranch-style house, over the 30-year study period. In all cases examined, the researchers found that the data supported the finding that multipurpose network residential fire sprinkler systems are cost-effective."
"The United States Fire Administration (USFA), part of the Department of Homeland Security (DHS), funded the research."
"Benefit-Cost Analysis of Residential Fire Sprinkler Systems (NISTIR 7451) by David T. Butry, M. Hayden Brown and Sieglinde K. Fuller."
Note: This story has been adapted from material provided by National Institute of Standards and Technology.
Labels: Cost of Fire Sprinklers
Teach Children Fire Safety

Children have regular fire drills at school. It would be a great idea to do a drill or two at home, so that the young ones know instinctively what to do in case fire breaks out.
Here's a helpful selection from a fire safety article on
"Teach Children the Facts about Fire
Unfortunately, many kids will try to hide from a fire, often in a closet, under a bed, or in a corner. But if taught basic fire facts, they'd be better able to protect themselves. Teach your child that fires spread quickly, that most fire-related deaths are not from burns but from smoke inhalation, and that dangerous fumes can overcome a person in just a few minutes.
Kids should learn to:
- Cover their mouths and noses with a moist towel or an article of clothing to keep out dangerous fumes while evacuating
- Crawl under the smoke to safety, staying as low to the ground as possible (smoke always rises)
- Touch any door (not the doorknob) to see if it is hot, and if it is, not to open it — find another exit
- Locate the nearest stairway marked "Fire Exit" if they live in an apartment building, or a fire escape if the stairway isn't accessible — kids should know to always avoid elevators during a fire
- Never stop to take personal belongings or pets or to make a phone call (even to 911) while evacuating
- Never go back into a burning building once safely outside
- Stop, drop, and roll to extinguish flames if an article of clothing catches on fire
Kids should also always be dressed for bed in flame-retardant sleepwear."
If you're looking for the ultimate in home protection to keep your family safe, consider adding fire sprinklers to your new home construction project or retrofitting your current home.To find a sprinkler installation company, post your project on - we'll send it out to sprinkler installers in your area to bid on the job. And you're under no obligation to hire any of them. It's a free service for homeowners.
Labels: Fire Sprinkler Education
Sprinkler Smarts - Fire Safety Education

There are interactive games for kids from Kindergarten to Two and from Three to Five. The site also has sections for teachers and parents, as well as a resources area for links to additional info.
Check out the Parents section for a list of downloadable PDF files that include planners, worksheets, and fire safety details.
It's a wonderful, interactive site that can help children of all ages learn a little something about protecting themselves, their families, and their home.
If you feel that you're ready to retrofit your home with a fire sprinkler system, Construction can help!
Simply post your residential fire sprinkler request online and we'll have as many sprinkler installers call you as you would like. Look over the bids, find the best one at the right price, and get started on protecting your most valuable assets! There's no obligation and there is no charge to find local, qualified sprinkler companies.
Labels: Fire Safety, Fire Safety Resources